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I don’t know about all of you, but I’m so excited that today is here! Today is the autumnal equinox or otherwise known as the first day of Fall. I may have gotten excited a little early this year and posted an arrangement two weeks ago that had Fall’s famous hues, but now that Fall has officially arrived, I can unleash my inner Autumn spirit. I have pulled out all of my pumpkins, candles, signs and anything else that remotely resembles this captivating season. So naturally, my arrangement this week is Fall to it’s very core. It has all the quintessential colors. Even the type of flowers and filler I used scream, “Fall is HERE!” I hope you all love it as much as I do and it inspires you to get into this festive season. Happy Fall everyone!

-Your Tabletop Florist

And please, remember to stop and smell the flowers, or at the very least, look at them.

Fun Fall Fact!

Did you know that autumn’s vivid colors are present year round? Yep, that’s right! They are just hidden by the green which is vastly more abundant due to chlorophyll. as we head into the cooler months, we have less daytime. it is the sunlight that HELPS plants to produce CHLOROPHYLL, but as less and less sunlight is available, the chlorophyll begins to breakdown, therefore revealing the majestic colors of autumn.

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