Connect with Nature

It’s pretty apparent I have a passion for flowers, but my passion goes beyond arranging them for display. I love all things plant related and that includes the entire culture that encompasses expressing love and appreciation for Mother Nature.

My goal is not only to encourage you to build your relationship with plants for the betterment of your own wellbeing, but to entice you to join your community and make connections with like-minded folks. People that love and appreciate plants of all kinds and are striving to better our communities by immersing themselves in the wonderful world of nature.

planted and potted
community planting

Growth & Community

Our lives can be enriched greatly by reconnecting with nature; be it by gardening, supporting wildlife or inspiring others by expressing themselves artistically through plants. Whichever modality you choose to strengthen your bond with Mother Nature, I hope you get the same fulfillment that I do. If you don’t know where to begin, allow me to once again guide you on this journey.

Here you will find events and establishments that will support your reconnection and growth by exposing you to all things that thrive outside.

veggie market

More Events to come!