That Fall Feeling!

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I know the official first day of fall is not until Sept 22, but if all the stores can do it, then so can I.  I love this time of year!  The colors, the aromas, the cooler weather, (If you live somewhere with seasons) and the baking!  My favorite aspect of fall is the colors of course…and the smells!  Lol.  But mostly the colors.  Oddly enough though, orange is not one of the colors I generally gravitate toward.  And yet, it’s the main color that represents fall. I normally don’t even give orange flowers a second look when selecting my flowers for the week.  But in honor of the season to come, I felt it was necessary to include fall’s center stage hue.  I hope this week’s arrangement gives you all the feels and makes you want to get cozy with a warm beverage and blanket.  Even if it means you have to crank down the AC, because trust me, I am.

Have a great week folks!

-Your Tabletop Florist

And please, remember to stop and smell the flowers, or at the very least, look at them.

If you have extra flowers, then you’re in luck! There’s always more room for floral arrangements.

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