To have and to hold…

Do you ever get frustrated when trying to make your floral arrangements look, well…arranged? I have always struggled with getting my flowers to look just right when I arrange them the “typical” way. Start off with a lovely vase full of fresh water and then start strategically placing my flowers within the vase. Professional florist make it look so easy, but as you all know, I am not a professional florist. Pretty much every time I end up disappointed and less than enthused about my creation. That was until I decided to try another technique. Instead of using the vase as my recipient, I arrange the flowers in my spare hand. It’s easy to get an all around view and I don’t have to worry about damaging any of my flowers if I decide to make any changes. When I’m done organizing my flowers, I then trim the stems to the desired length and plop them in the vase. Flowers come out perfect every time! Just to show what a difference your arrangement technique can make, I’ll show you the vase technique verses the hand technique. I hope this is helpful! Enjoy the beauties I selected for you all this week!

Your Tabletop Florist

And please, remember to stop and smell the flowers, or at the very least, look at them.

Vase technique
Hand technique

Really, it just depends on the look you are going for. For these beauties I was wanting more of a cohesive look instead of the wild flower look. Either way, you really can’t go wrong.

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